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Excellence abounds as Global FM Award winners are announced on World FM Day

The Global FM Awards celebrate and acknowledge the best and most competent in facilities management practice across the world. With its main purpose to identify and recognize those in the facilities management industry who have done a great deal in contributing to the betterment of businesses in a variety of sectors, in turn, it has driven a high level of competition amongst Global FM members.

Even though each entry may be worthy of recognition, the criteria proposed for the Awards demand strict adherence to the paramount standards of the FM industry. Therefore, Award Winners of this year's Global FM Awards represent the association's mission and vision at the highest calibre. The Judges are drawn from around the world and acknowledged as industry leaders. Winners will be announced on 16 May 2018 during World FM Day.

The entrants have all shown an admirable passion for the advancement and development of FM. Innovative solutions to complex FM problems, increasing efficiency, reducing costs, sustainability, and workforce wellbeing have been the centre of this year's entries.

The Winners of the Global FM Awards 2018 are as follows:

The Silver Award goes to MEFMA – Leading the Digital Transformation of the FM Industry in the Middle East and Beyond.
Special mention is made to IFMA – Future Facilities @ ARM.

The Gold Award is presented to ABRAFAC – Speed Up: The Future Has Arrived.

Last but foremost, the Platinum Award goes to BIFM -J&J Workplace Experience Strategy.

Events celebrating World FM Day "Empowering Positive Experiences" are taking place 14 – 18 May 2018 internationally. Details of these can be found at www.globalfm.org.

Updates of these activities will be published on Twitter @WorldFMDay #WorldFMDay via the Global FM website www.globalfm.org.

The 2018 Awards were proudly curated by the South African Facilities Management Association (SAFMA). We would like to extend our utmost gratitude to the Judges who shared their time, knowledge and industry experience. The judging process was a complex one, especially with many outstanding entries vying for the top spot.
Our Judges for the 2018 awards were:
Ali Alsuwaidi
Andy Kelly
Bill Ward
Carolyn McGary
Jozsef Czerny
Stephen Ballesty
Stuart Bryant
Thiago Santana

Issued on behalf of Global FM
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