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Home Hírek -News Work on the Move
16 | 02 | 2025
Work on the Move PDF Nyomtatás E-mail

Work on the Move” - new IFMA Foundation publication helps the “boots on the ground” facility managers from around the globe prepare for the future of work. The book examines the forces driving workplace change and its effects on FMs.  It provides tools to show FMs how to take the driver’s seat, become more strategic, and lead change in the workplace.  

The book includes the most innovative, forward thinking case studies from around the globe and provides practical tools for FMs to develop workplace strategy from beyond an “idea” to analyzing the benefits to implementation and measurement.
Produced by the IFMA Foundation and edited by facility manager and workplace pioneer Diane Coles, “Work on the Move” is the collaborative effort of twenty-two international workplace experts. The book discusses new technologies, social trends, the impacts of flexible work, and the ability to work “anywhere” as some of the factors changing today’s work environment.

The book can be ordered in two versions: print version or e-book version (pdf)

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