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Home Szabványosítás Stan Mitchell az új ISO létesítménygazdálkodási szabványokról
18 | 01 | 2025
Stan Mitchell az új ISO létesítménygazdálkodási szabványokról PDF Nyomtatás E-mail

stanmitchell We all asked for an independent global definition of FM. Didn't we?
 Stan Mitchell and ISO might deliver just that. Stan Mitchel
 and the British Standards Institute have taken the initiative to develop an ISO FM standard.
 Here is Stan's promotional message:




You may already be aware of the good work done to date via CEN 348 Technical Committee in the establishment of the first standards in Facilities Management which were accepted across Europe back in 2006.  This was a significant step for general recognition of who we are what we do as a distinct professional discipline. In discussions with the Project Team within CEN 348 it was agreed that it would be beneficial to all concerned, i.e. the wider International FM Community, that when those initial two European Standards (EN15221-1 2006 ‘Terms and Definitions’ and EN15221-2 2006 ‘Guidance on How to Prepare Facilities Management Agreements’) came up for review that we would seek to elevate them to ISO standards.

As Chairman of the UK Facilities Management Standards Committee I was in a position to encourage the UK National Standards Body (BSI) to do so and I can now advise that a formal proposal has been submitted to ISO.

The purpose of this email is two-fold:

  1. To make you aware of what is happening and to encourage you to spread the word where you can to other Countries and Associations who may be able to engage in this process.  Whilst we are a very small community worldwide we do need to be as proactive as possible in making our community aware and also to ensure as wide a collaborative participation is achieved as possible should this initiative go ahead.
  2. To encourage you to connect with your National Standards Body (NSB) in your Country.  If your National Standards Body does not have a focus upon Facilities Management then this is a good excuse to make contact with them and encourage them to do so.  THIS LINK will assist you in identifying who your NSB is if you don’t already know.

It is my understanding that every NSB will now be contacted to vote on this proposal.  The final deadline for them to do so is 6th October 2011.  It would therefore be likely that they will actually decide no later than mid-September which I know is when the BSI will formally vote.  I would therefore suggest that your contact with your NSB be directed to a National Facilities Management Committee Secretary or their International Policy Department or both in order to understand what their intent is in relation to the vote.

I appreciate more than most that Standards are perhaps not the most exciting things to get involved with, particularly when you consider how dynamic and diverse Facilities Management itself is, but they are a very important aspect of gaining Government and Commerce recognition of what we do and in their recognition of it as a distinct professional discipline.

I will be pleased to assist you in any way that I can, please do not hesitate to contact me for a copy of the formal proposal submitted to ISO.

I would appreciate feedback of any kind with regard to the support, or lack of it, that you may decide or experience.


Stan Mitchell

(Source: www.eurofm.org)