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Home Szabványosítás Kifejlesztés alatt az új ISO 41014 “Létesítménygazdálkodási stratégia kidolgozása” szabvány
16 | 02 | 2025
Kifejlesztés alatt az új ISO 41014 “Létesítménygazdálkodási stratégia kidolgozása” szabvány PDF Nyomtatás E-mail

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Dublinban tartotta soron következő ülését az ISO TC 267 Létesítménygazdálkodás 4. sz. munkacsoportja, amely feladata a létesítménygazdálkodási stratégiáról szóló szabvány kidolgozása. A feszített ütemű munka első üteme várhatóan 2020 januárjában ér véget a szabvány első vázlatának lezárásával (CD = Committee Draft a szabványosítás tolvajnyelvén). A szabvány eredeti javaslata a magyar MSZT MB 267 nemzeti szabványbizottságtól származik és a magyar bizottság aktívan részt vesz a szabvány kidolgozásában.


                     Az ISO TC 267 Facility Management WG4 dublini ülésénak résztvevői.

Az ISO eredeti híre itt.

rogress update on WG4's activities towards the Development of ISO/AWI 41014 (FM) Development of Facility Management Strategy

We are pleased to provide feedback after the Dublin workshops held from 10 to 11 June 2019 to the effect that we are working towards registering a Committee Draft by 1 July 2019.
The exciting news is that this will give National Standards Bodies the opportunity to receive the document and influence it by commenting on the content.
The document is intended to fill a gap in the current provision of guidance to enable the most appropriate high-level approach to FM and support services to be determined. The aim is to promote awareness, competence development and expertise in the FM organization by providing strategic advice on the decisions affecting the management of the facilities and/or the delivery of support services.
Since the new work item proposal was approved last year, WG4 has had eight workshops with eight governance meetings supporting the milestone of developing a Committee Draft within a tight timeframe of one year. The team decided to follow a holistic approach where sufficient time was invested in reaching agreement on a table of contents. By January 2019, the team agreed that the content was mature enough to proceed and add the detail of the standard, resulting in working draft 1.
After that, the document was circulated for comments, which were considered at the London workshop over 2 and 3 April 2019. These efforts resulted in five further revisions as the document matured.