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Home Hírek -News Open for consultation: Strategic FM Framework document
27 | 07 | 2024
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Open for consultation: Strategic FM Framework document PDF Nyomtatás E-mail

IFMA and RICS are pleased to announce the public consultation of the Strategic FM Framework and invite comments on the document. 
Drafted by IFMA Fellow, Dave Wilson, this guidance brings together ideas and experience from a range of sources and is intended to provide best practice guidance that is consistent with the existing ISO Standards for FM. It aims to help professionals at all levels by setting out a coherent, consistent approach to planning the provision of FM.
The framework document is intended to establish FM in the context of wider organizational needs, bringing together guidance from:

  • IFMA;
  • RICS;
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO);
  • European Committee for Standardization (CEN);
  • British Standards Institution (BSI); and
  • The open-source Workplace Management Framework.
Download the document and take part in the consultation — register your comments »